Monday, April 15, 2013

about MY God

I asked someone the other day, "Do you believe in God?" They confused me with the answer, "I believe in A God." I thought about this for a long time. Every answer led to more questions. Religion fascinates me. I love to hear what others believe even if I don't agree. I don't profess to know everything. I realize I know nothing. I sometimes think I understand myself and my religion and what I believe only to find that to be untrue in many different ways. There is a depth to religion that one has trouble comprehending when trying to explain. I, on the other hand, embrace it. The thing about religion is that its not real until it is felt with the heart.

I was raised in a "Christian" environment. I always considered myself a Christian. When I was 16 years old, I found God for myself and made a decision to incorporate Him throughout my life. Through this process, I have rediscovered religion in order to personalize it without reinventing it. I have made it my own.
This is why I call it "my" religion. This brings me back to the answer, "I believe in "A" God." It surprised me because it's been so long since I have considered "My" God "A" God. I KNOW my God. I think of Him as a friend. I feel Him. I think of my sister as "my" sister, not "a" sister. I'm not saying the person who responded with this answer isn't a Christian. This is not for me to decipher. It just makes me wonder. Do they know a God like I know mine? Can you get to heaven by knowing a God, or do you have to know "yours?"

Sometimes we have a tendency to over analyze things. We make them more complicated than they are. Stop. REST your mind IN the Lord and take it for what it is. Be thankful you are FREE to believe whatever you want.